Like I have been telling you guys, I´ve been trying to incorporate new and different prints to my closet. A couple of days ago, I stopped by Nordstrom rack and found this shirt with the cuttest palm trees print which I thought was perfect for what I currently have in mind. Nordstrom rack is such a good place to find hidden treasures, of course you have to be in the best mood to go trough all the racks, because there is a million!
Since the top is very colorful, I decided to stick to the colors it has and add similar shades for the rest of the outfit. Distressed denim pants, nude heels and a gray handbag were perfect to complement the entire look. Hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Como les habia contando anteriormente he estado tratando de buscar estampados diferentes y llamativos. Este que hoy llevo puesto me pareció perfecto cuando lo encontre en Norstrom rack. Esta tienda es ideal para esos días en que estas de genio para revisar con calma racks y racks de ropa, accesorios y bolsos. Como la camisa ya tiene bastante color quize mantenerme detro de la paleta de colores de esta y la acompañe con unos jeans desgastados, bolso gris y tacones color nude. Un look muy casual, perfecto para acompañar tambien con sandalias bajitas.
Feliz viernes!!
Gracias por pasar por Chic talk!
Zara jeans
Nordstrom rack top
BCBG heels
Forever 21 bag
Charming charlie necklace