As a result of all the neutral colors I have been wearing lately, this time I wanted to add some color to the #lookoftheday, and there is no better way to do it than with accessories! The perfect splash of bright colors with this gorgeous necklace of VOULEZ SHOP.
Casual looks are my thing, and I have so much fun planning my outfits every day. I has to be the love that I have for clothes and fashion that keep me so entertained with this part of the day, and accessorizing is always a big part. I can never leave my house without anything hanging on me. It either needs to be a necklace, a bunch of bracelets, earrings, something! I always always have to throw something on me! and Voulez shop has been my disney land of accessories for this past month! Go to to discover all the amazing accessories they have!
Casual looks are my thing, and I have so much fun planning my outfits every day. I has to be the love that I have for clothes and fashion that keep me so entertained with this part of the day, and accessorizing is always a big part. I can never leave my house without anything hanging on me. It either needs to be a necklace, a bunch of bracelets, earrings, something! I always always have to throw something on me! and Voulez shop has been my disney land of accessories for this past month! Go to to discover all the amazing accessories they have!
See you soon!
Como resultado al uso de tantos colores neutros durante este último mes , esta vez quize agregar algo de color a el look de día, y que mejor forma de hacerlo que con accesorios!
Esta vez di el toque de color con este lindo collar de VOULEZ SHOP.
Los looks casuales son mis favoritos, aunque me encanta vestirme elegante también, los outfits casuales son con los que más me identifico. Pensar en que me voy a poner a diario y vestirme todos los días es sin duda lo que más disfruto. Debe ser mi obsesión por la ropa y la moda lo que tiene tan entretenida con esta parte del día! y agregar accesorios a todo lo que me pongo es tan importante como la ropa. Siempre, siempre tengo que llevar algún accesorio! no puedo salir de mi casa sin ellos y gracias a Voulez Shop he tenido de donde esocoger durante este mes! No olviden pasar por la pagina y dejensese antojar por tantas cosas lindas que tienen!!
Hay que ponerle color a la vida y que mejor que hacerlo con los accesorios apropiados!
Nos vemos pronto, mil gracias por leer y visitar el blog!
Mossimo denim top (Target)
Love culture vest
Levi´s jeans
Voulez shop necklace
Aldo bracelets