With the years I´ve learned to shop and think about how to spend my money wisely. As much as I love shopping for clothes and accessories, shoes and all those good things, I can not do it that often! I would love to, I mean, what girl wouldn´t like that?! but I have a life and bills to pay just like
everyone! That´s why since I started blogging I´ve been trying to be really smart about what I buy.
Wardrobe staples, they are the key to great outfits and a timeless style. The moment you start shopping for those, your possibilities to mix and match your clothes will be endless. This trench coat is one of the most versatile and timeless pieces I own. I actually had in my closet for quite a while, and until now I´m using it! I can´t wait to wear it more this spring to share more outfit inspiration posts with you guys! The possibilities with this trench coat are endless, starting with the color! it´s just ohhh so classy yet stylish! I can get enough of it!!!! If you´ve been thinking about getting one! Girl, just do it! You won´t regret it. This timeless piece won´t let you down. 🙂
Wardrobe staples, they are the key to great outfits and a timeless style. The moment you start shopping for those, your possibilities to mix and match your clothes will be endless. This trench coat is one of the most versatile and timeless pieces I own. I actually had in my closet for quite a while, and until now I´m using it! I can´t wait to wear it more this spring to share more outfit inspiration posts with you guys! The possibilities with this trench coat are endless, starting with the color! it´s just ohhh so classy yet stylish! I can get enough of it!!!! If you´ve been thinking about getting one! Girl, just do it! You won´t regret it. This timeless piece won´t let you down. 🙂
Happy Monday!!
Con los años he aprendido a comprar de una forma más inteligente. La moda me enloquece e ir de shopping todos los días sería como un sueño, pero la verdad es algo imposible de lograr en mi caso! Me encantaría poder hacerlo muy seguido, pero como muchos tengo responsabilidades y recivos por pagar! Desde que empeze este blog de moda, me propuse tratar de adquirir todas las piezas clásicas y básicas que conforman el guardaropas ideal. Obviamente aveces me dejo llevar por los impulsos y compro piezas de la temporada, pero he aprendido a invertir bien mi dinero y a comprar prendas que me serviran para toda la vida. Si toman esta misma iniciativa, creanme que las posibilidades de combinar y sacarle provecho a sus closets serán infinitas. Esta gabardina color piel que hoy llevo puesta, es una de esas tantas piezas básicas que he tratado de adquirir. Hay prendas clásicas, pero nada lo es más que una buena gabardina. No veo la hora de usarla más durante esta primavera y compartir con ustedes más ideas de como usarla. Es una prenda demasiado versátil con una infinidad de posibilidades para lucirla. Si llevan pensandolo bastante tiempo y no se han decidido a comprarla, ya es hora! Espero que este look les guste y les de ese impulso a hacer la inversión! Mirenlo como eso, una inversión, ya que la idea es que quede para toda la vida!
Feliz lunes a todos 🙂
Mil gracias por pasar por el blog y por leer !!!

Love this look, Carolina!! Especially the jeans. And, I agree, wardrobe staples are where everyone should invest–and a trench coat is a definite must! xo
Succccccch a cute look Carolina! I love the delicate beads on your blouse-gorgeous.
This creamy tan trench coat is gorgeous. I once had a big blue trench coat that I just adored. I would like to learn more about uses for trench coats. high end fashion blog