This Style Mafia skirt with ruffles stole my heart since the first moment I saw it on ASOS. I mean, who can say no this piece of art? I’m absolutely obsessed with it, it such a modern, ultra feminine piece. It totally reminds me of Johanna Ortiz’s designs, one of my favorite Colombian designers. I’ve been loving ASOS so much lately because they always offer such a unique selection of clothing, and the best part is the two day shipping option they have. For only $19 a year, you can get 2-day shipping on every single order! Isn’t that amazing? It’s definitely a plus!
Now, going back to the look, I paired the skirt with a basic V-Neck top via Tobi to let the skirt stand out, and delicate nude strap sandals.The denim oversized jacket definitely adds a casual laid-back vibe to the outfit, and by just taking it off yo can elevate the look if the occasion is a little more elegant 🙂
Hope you guys like this look! Thanks so much for stopping by. I love all your comments, and support!