Happy Tuesday guys! Like many fo you who have kids, one of the biggest challenges we’ve been facing during this quarantine is keeping our kids busy throughout the day. It’s probably been harder for you if you have more than one kid! Sofi is only 20 months old and of course she misses spending time outside, but she is still too little to be truly aware of what’s going on. 

But now that we are social distancing and spending so much time at home, it’s been challenging keeping her busy because she definitely needs more attention and wants to play all the time.

I have to give Sofi credit for always finding ways to get distracted and play by herself because she does love to have alone time and do things on her own, but since Mauricio started working from home we’ve noticed how she wants to play more with us. So, it’s been key to continue having a schedule to give her activities to do and make her feel like there’s still specific times for everything.

In the mornings after breakfast we usually try to paint or practice coloring. She seems to like it more everyday. Because she is so little she gets distracted easily so I try not to stress to much if she doesn’t feel like doing something. But I usually try to encourage her to do it for at least five minutes.

Around 10:30-11am I always try to give her a smoothy and read her a few books. I usually sit down with her on the white little table that used to be her activity center. I’m so happy we got it for her when she was a baby, It’s so convenient! After reading, we let her play by herself. She usually plays with her kitchen and development toys. Then we have lunch and she takes her naps a few minutes after.

She usually naps for a little longer than two hours. And when she wakes up, she eats something and we usually play some music to make the rest of the day fun for her. We love to have dance parties with her throughout the day! During the rest of the afternoon, she does a little bit of everything, she plays, reads books, we try to take her out for a quick walk or ride in her pink push car and then she has dinner and we give her a bath and get ready for bed by 7-7:30pm. Right before bed, we always go to her teepee and read a few books with her and I would say it’s probably one of her favorite moments of the day.

That schedule has been working for us and also allows us to work when she sleeps and keep her busy during the day. Keep scrolling for all her favorite toys! I totally recommend everything I linked here!

I would love to know what toys and activities your toddler is loving right now! Let me know in the comments!

Hola hola! Feliz Martes! Como muchos de ustedes que tienen hijos, uno de los retos más grandes con los que hemos lidiado en esta cuarentena es tenerlos entretenidos en casa. Si ustedes tiene más de uno, es probable que les este tocan más duro que a nosotros. Sofi tan solo tiene 20 meses y la verdad no entiende lo que esta pasando. Ella debe extrañar salir a la calle y ver gente, pero es algo que nos queda fácil de manejar ya que aún no habla y la podemos distraer fácilmente aquí en casa.

Algo que sí hemos notado es como ahora necesita mucha más atención. Mauricio ya lleva trabajando desde casa varias semanas y como Sofi lo ve todo el día quiere jugar con el todo el tiempo, es por eso que mantener una rutina y horario ha sido clave para hacerle entender a ella, que a pesar de tener a papá todo el día en casa, hay tiempos para todo.

Luego del desayuno, siempre la dejamos jugar solita. Y eso es algo que tengo que le tengo que resaltar a Sofi, la facilidad con la que ella se distrae sola y juega con sus cosas. Entre 10:30-11am siempre trato de darle un batido de fruta y me siento con ella a colorear y leer libros. Como esta tan chiquita aún, no logra concentrarse por mucho tiempo, igual la incentivo a hacer la actividad que tenia planeada por 5 minutos al menos, pero trato de no estresarme si no quiere. Más adelante sé qué le va a encantar y va a disfrutar muchos sus crayolas, tablero y tizas.

Luego almorzamos y ella duerme su siesta. Usualmente toma una siesta de un poco más de dos horas. Cuando se despierta come su media tarde y le ponemos música por el esto del día para que baile y se divierta mucho. También tratamos de salir a darle una vuelta a la manzana en el carrito que tiene para recibir aire fresco. Luego llegamos, le damos la cena, le damos un baño y uno de nosotros se sienta en el teepee con ella a leer libros. Creería yo, que ese es su momento favorito del día. Ella ama su teepee y lo disfruta demasiado!

Como pueden ver, se hace mucho con ella durante el día. Así hemos estado pasando nuestros días de cuarentena y hemos logrado mantenerla feliz y distraída! Aquí abajo les comparto todos los juguetes que ella ama y unos de sus libros favoritos!

¡Me encantaría saber qué actividades están haciendo con sus hijos por estos días! Cuéntenme en los comentarios!


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This kitchen and teepee are what she is using the most. She plays with her kitchen throughout the day and the teepee is our go-to for wind down time and reading before her naps and bed time.

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Those Cuddle and Kind dolls are her favorites. She even sleeps with them. Their dolls are handcrafted by women in Peru and for every doll they sell, they provide 10 meals to children in need. Such a wonderful cause! Make sure to purchase them from their website!